
Google Toolbar 7.1.1821.1806 for IE

Today we launched a new version of Toolbar for IE. This version of Toolbar offers an improved Toolbar Instant experience as well as easier maneuverability around pinning your favorite Toolbar buttons. You can find out how we've improved pinning buttons in the Toolbar Help Center. The improved Toolbar Instant feature will roll out everywhere Google Instant search is available over the coming weeks.

We have also implemented a new way to report Toolbar issues directly in the Toolbar. Simply follow the directions below to report an issue.
  1. Click the arrow button next to the Toolbar wrench icon.
  2. Select "Report an issue".
  3. Fill in the "Tell us what is happening." field with specific steps to reproduce you problem and include any antivirus software you may have. We also encourage you to select the "Include this screenshot:" check box to help us diagnose your issue.
  4. Click "Send feedback".

Finally, some of you may see some new features that we're experimenting with for future releases of Toolbar.

Enjoy Toolbar 7.1 for IE!